Earn money in our new online lottery!

Earn money in our new online lottery!

Did you love the last lottery and its large Hi Tech jackpots? You'll love earn money in our next online lottery! A jackpot of €1000 and 6 jackpots of €100.

"What is your favorite jackpot?'' It was our January poll and you were unanimous: "Earn money!”

All our online lottery jackpots make money

For this new lottery, Hiving chose 7 players to make money. Number 7 is considered as a magic number: the 7 colors Rainbow, the 7 petals rose, the 7 days of week, etc. Number 7 is above all 7 winners and the opportunity to win more players, in more countries

  • 7 dreamt jackpots with money gains
  • A first jackpot with a value of €1,000!
  • 6 subsequent jackpots with a value of €100 each.

Important notice: This competition is limited in time and will be closed on Tuesday, March 8th, 2016. If these jackpots make you dream, it's time to participate!

Earn money is your favorite jackpot

How do we know? Because a lot of you have answered our online lottery jackpots quiz. And more than 50% of you have chosen "earn money". The second option was hi tech products, and then traveling.  

Earn money in our new online lottery!

Hiving ought to respect your choice and thank you for your confidence. In fact, you have enjoyed our article and our message on the latest lottery winners. It is essential for us a guarantee of transparency through an open communication and possible dialogues.

We will do the same for this new lottery. We ask future winners to commit to publish a message and a photograph with the image of the payment we will send them at the same time as the transfer.

Playing and earning money in our lottery, it's simple and free! 

To participate in our online lottery, you simply need to be an active member of our large community

A lottery ticket worth 400 points. There is no limit to the number of tickets you can buy. As many tickets as you buy, as many opportunities to win the jackpot. 

All participation modalities and regulations are available on your Member's space. Our lottery is under the control of M. Simonin, M. Le Marec, and M. Warrior, judicial officers, at 54 rue Taitbout - 75009 PARIS. 

We hope that this lottery pleases you as much as the previous one and that it will be an opportunity to make discover Hiving to your loved ones by means of our sponsorship program. 

Not yet a member or already registered? It's time to play! Join Us




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