Paid surveys at home, make money online

Paid surveys at home, make money online

HIVING paid surveys at home offer you the possibility to express your opinions and earn money. The more you participate, the more you earn.

Influence the market with your responses to our paid online surveys

 The major brands need your participation to understand consumer’s trends. They rely on you to: 

  • Launch new products. Have you heard of this car which was a total flop in Spainbecause the gear’s name was the same as a famous... sanitary napkin? If only they had done a survey!
  • Test new products... 1994... The story takes place in the United Kingdom. Persil Power attacks dirt... and clothing! The product is quickly removed. Cost of the operation? £ 200 million. Since then, they really test the products!
  • Understand trends. BIC is the king of ballpoint pens. But when the company wanted to launch a non-expensive fragrance in the newsagent’s... oh boy! A total flop! If they had surveyed consumers, they would have clearly understood that perfumes remain associated to the world of luxury and dream.

Our paid surveys are made for you

 Consumers love to participate and want to be more involved in the consumption area. Responding to surveys is a great way to give their opinion.

  • Get major brands receive informationby answering surveys, is the possibility to directly influencing them, sharing with them the user’s experience.
  • Discover productspreview to get a step ahead on the actuality of consumption. To better choose what fits you.
  • Become a « consumption actor»and not simply a consumer. Surveys are paid, of course, but the main motivation of the panelists is the commitment.

Very targeted and reliable surveys

For your opinion to be valued, for the collection of your opinion to be optimized, it is essential that our survey techniques guarantee honesty. This is the reason why certain provisions are necessary.

  • When you fill out a consumer profile, you are already participating in the quality of a survey. Who would like to be solicited for a nappy brand when they don’t have children at home?
  • When you register in a country, you are already participating in the reliability of a survey. Indeed, a person may never be selected if trying to respond to a survey while located elsewhere but in the country of registration.
  • When the answers are inconsistent or time invested abnormally long, the opinions are not validated to not to distort the results of the survey. Your opinions are really valued.

Really different online surveys

Surveys vary in length to adapt to the needs of understanding your consumption habits. From 3 to 25 minutes, the estimated time is always displayed.

Surveys vary depending on the technology used. Images, videos, audio files, these techniques are more and more frequent. They are adapted to the types of responses desired.

Some surveys are shared by the family. For reliability reasons, it is impossible to make the same survey twice within the same household. But some surveys, such as those involving adolescents are, on the contrary, meant to be shared. 

Earn points, turn them into money, our surveys are remunerative

Even if the remuneration is not the main motivation of participants in a survey, it represents the fair compensation for serious involvement.

  • This is whyHIVING pays its panelists via Paypal. Easy and immediate payment rather than the promises of gifts which are useless. Our service guarantees you a payment within 48 hours, excluding weekends. Your points are valid without time limitation.
  • This is why HIVING lotteries are not the sole compensation proposed. HIVING lotteries come in as an addition. And the gifts are gifts of great value and brands.
  • This is why HIVING pays you whenever you participate in a survey.You receive a compensation of 30 points even if you don’t happen to correspond to a very particular profile or when the number of wanted people has already been reached.
With HIVING, you win each time! Join us now! Join Us



About us

HIVING’s paid surveys give the consumers a chance to speak. Give your opinion by answering surveys. Earn points and get paid...
